Sunday, June 17, 2012

Here is an early attempt with the pencils. I was pleased with the coffin boxs. There seems to be alot of resistance to colorization of old black and white film, citing conflict with the "artists intentions" but in reality these films were made in Hollywood for public consumption and either do to limiting technology or cost were filmed in black and white. The flip side is that they followed the early German Expressionism movement with the Gothic atmosphere most suitable for such works such as Frankenstein and Dracula. Now however most young people NEVER watch black and white film so the purists are shooting themselves in the foot because if there is no interest in these so called works of art, they will fade away into forgotten history. Coloring these films gives them new life and a whole new audience. Remember they have to compete with CGI technology. Here is hoping Universal Studios and others will try at least one version of this genre, perhaps something which will appeal more widely, like Abbott And Costello Meet Frankenstein. Time will tell.

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